Fertility treatment is ideally recommended for a couple who have not been able to conceive after trying for one year or more. “It may be needed early for some women who are nearing the end of their reproductive potential or men who have a gradually failing sperm production. As conception is aided by both the partners, the testing and treatment also involve both partners,” tells Dr Richa Jagtap, Clinical Director, Consultant Reproductive Medicine, Nova IVF Fertility, Mumbai. There can be many reasons why a fertility treatment is required. Dr Madhuri Roy, Gynaecologist and IVF Consultant, founder, and managing director of Conceive IVF, Pune notes them down:

• Female factors like advanced maternal age, blocked fallopian tubes, PCOD, endometriosis, fibroids, etc.

• Male factors like abnormal sperm parameters, erectile dysfunction due to diabetes, hypertension, psychological, blocked vas deferens due to infection or family planning operation in the past, varicocele hydrocele in the scrotum which damages sperms

“Beyond providing healthy sperms for conception, a husband is also expected to extend support, mental strength, understanding and lots of tender loving care for their partner,” Dr Jagtap notes, “And of course, vice versa for women too. A one-sided treatment is never helpful.” The health of both eggs and sperms are equally important for success. “So, lifestyle changes are recommended and medications to improve eggs and sperms quality are given to both. Involvement of both partners to support each other in the exercises, diet, stress management, stimulation injections, hospital visits to understand the correct treatment plan, managing the finances and maintaining work-life and treatment balance is needed,” Dr Roy points out.


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Building A Support System

Infertility itself comes as a big setback and brings with it emotional trauma and negativity. At this time a woman needs assurance and love from the entire family. “She needs to know that’s it’s a journey where she has support from all her family members and she is not a lesser person because of what she is going through,” Dr Jagtap shares, “In fact, more than other times, before preparing for a treatment she needs a good mental state, less stress and happy thoughts for future.” The spouse and family members can support in many ways. Help them take care of the chores at home, or even work pressures. Dr Roy notes that support and care are important during this time, and you can do so by helping them with their chores or any other work. By spending quality time together and encouraging them through the doctor-recommended diet and exercise.

Fighting The Stigma
“For ages, it’s the woman who bears the cross of infertility. However now we know that men contribute to an equal incidence of infertility amongst couples,” points out Dr Jagtap. “Women are often blamed and harassed for not being able to bear a child while men hesitate to accompany women to the clinic and get tested,” Dr Roy adds, “Even today, after the path-breaking technology and medical advances, there is a stigma about fertility-related treatments. But it’s a time to break this stigma.”


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“Many people feel that the child born through IVF is someone else’s baby and not their own and this misconception needs to be cleared,” says Dr Roy, “It is essential to educate the couple regarding infertility treatments. Do not be afraid to seek help via fertility expert.” Dr Jagtap further adds, “Awareness is the biggest way to improve the myths and stigma around fertility treatment.”

Dr Roy advises, “Don’t feel embarrassed to come out in open and discuss your infertility problems with your fertility expert. Do not engage in a self-blame game instead, fight it out. Infertility can occur in anyone, it’s not in your hands, but taking timely treatment is what you can surely do.” “There is no shame or fear to take a fertility consult. The fear of the unknown and the fear of failure keep us back. But the hopes of a happy successful journey get us going,” notes Dr Jagtap who also adds that it’s very important to take the first step. She points out that for women, the egg numbers decline with age and timely action is needed. Her advice is that “we fear the unknown. Once we know it, we can tackle it.”