Why Choose Start Your Joy?

BSV Start Your Joy?

In India, ~23-33 mn couples seek infertility treatment through various methods1, including ~2.8 mn couples seeking infertility treatment through Artificial Reproductive Technologies. However, ~65% of these couples do not seek treatment via proper medicinal channels. This is due to lack awareness, lack of access, perceived social stigma and low ability to pay.

As a part of BSVwithU, START (Supporting Therapy in Artificial Reproductive Technology), BSV plans to partner with IVF Clinics and certain Third Party agencies  to ensure maximum awareness regarding infertility treatment . The project aims to ensure more couples begin and complete their journey to parenthood (improved treatment initiation and adherence).

  • Encourage more patients to start their IVF journey & continue treatment.
  • BSV as organisation Going beyond fertility drugs to support the patients journey.
  • Support the IVF clinic to reduce  patient drop out rates after the first consultation due to the financial burden on couples.
  • Focus on keeping the patient in the IVF journey ever after the failure of 1st cycle.
  • Improving patient retention and regular patient engagement by providing counselling and financial remodelling.

BSV has partnered with Third party patient assistance company which is further tied up with an NBFC to provide loan ranging from Rs 25000 to Rs 2,00,00 to patients

Once the centre is enrolled into the program, an agreement is signed between the Third party & the IVF centre. Centre sends the details of couple needing Microfinance to the Third party for evaluation.

A complete profile & CIBIL score of the patient is evaluated to process the Loan. The Loan is available for patients seeking IVF treatment for the first time or for a subsequent cycle after a failed IVF

1. https://www.cdri.res.in/1694.aspx?id=1694 accessed on 22/07/2021